Sarker Tanvir Ahmed

Winston Churchill once said, “Bangladesh is a riddle wrapped in mystery inside an enigma.” Looking at the historical context in conjunction with the present, perhaps a new history will create by taking on the challenge of how this country can rise above adversity. On one hand, economic success, and on the other hand, the unprecedented opportunity for ethical behavior, are appropriate examples to supplement Churchill’s quote. In 1757, the rays of the new sun of Bengal were revealed in the sword of Siraj-ud-Daula in the Battle of Plassey.

The relationship between Bengalis and Bangla is as intense and radiant as the sun. However, the question remains as to how much effort the people made for their own freedom and for the Nawab. No one could have guessed that the blood stream of Bengal would flow in Padma, Meghna, Gouri, Yamuna and come to East Bengal even in a hundred years. But, thirty lakh martyrs’ blood was used to create a hurricane called the struggle for freedom and independence.

According to the Bangladesh Education Statistics 2021 of the Ministry of Education and BANBASE, in pre-primary and primary schools combined is 2 crore 2 lakh 34 thousand 646 students studying. This is higher than the population of countries like New Zealand, Qatar, Greece, Sweden, and Singapore. In 1996 an American political scientist Stanley Kochanek wrote in his article, “Patron Client Politics and Business in Bangladesh,” that Bangladesh has an extremely homogeneous population. There are some countries where it’s difficult to find homogeneous groups in the evolutionary continuum.

However, from a national perspective, 98.7% of the population in Bangladesh is ethnically Bengali and 98% of the people speak the same language. In human resource development, primary school students are considered as an example of an efficient national resource. But why should primary school children be given more importance? The socialization process, values and the social structure begins with the family. This strong inclusion of a child will be one of the strengths of the way forward.

However, the SDGs endorsed by the United Nations is mostly aimed at a humanitarian approach then MDGs. Because the emphasis is given to participation in a categorized way without imposed on the general public. The government, organizations, and individuals are responsible for evaluating the participation of young people and children considering them as Stakeholder. Youth’s and children have a predominance in establishing links in the institutional structure and its functions. They will add new dimensions to the culture of refinement and serving as catalysts for idealistic acceptable leadership development, rather than leadership.

The youth are a significant part of the demographic dividend. Various plans and policies are prepared with prioritize their needs. But the word “Capability Trap” is relevant to our concerns. It confuses like is it possible to give prioritized to empower or will importance be given to civic education like in Japan?

A viable solution lies in Article 20 (1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the UN, which recognizes the right to peaceful assembly and association as a fundamental human right. Therefore, it is essential to focus on building beautiful and culturally quality organizational structures for future generations.

Mango orchards are associated with the history of Bengal. The Plassey and Mujib Nagar Mango orchards, are ideal examples to understand why morally organization is important for the youth. The dramatic similarity between the places made Bengalis organized as well as responsible. In 1757, Bengal was subjugated at Palissy’s Mango orchards on 23rd June and the Declaration of Independence of Bengal was read at Mujibnagar Mango orchards on 17th April 1971.

According to the information from the British Army’s archives, in the battle of Palassy Siraj-ud-Daula’ had 50 thousand soldiers while Robert Clive had only 3 thousand soldiers. That means, to defeat the Nawab, one British soldier had to fight against 17 Bengali soldiers. In one of the cruelest betrayals of history, Siraj-ud-Daula’ was defeated in this battle and the British rule in India was paved. Comparatively the number of trained soldiers of Bangladesh was 30 thousand 306 according to the data of the National Liberation War in 1971 while 93 thousand Pakistani soldiers surrendered to them. In Palassy we were defeated despite being outnumbered but how did we gain independence in 1971 even though we were outnumbered? The answer is patriotism and responsibility towards the country.

A smart generation is needed to build a smart Bangladesh. Even after 53 years of independence, what is the state of patriotism and responsibility among the youth is our concern. It is necessary for the youth of Bangladesh to practice the manners, knowledge, organizational skills, and self-confidence of the youth of developed countries to be smarter. But is reform easily achieved? Many groups exists between change and reform connects young people to the society.

However, this group can also influence young people in implementing specific agendas or self-centered interests. Young people have shed blood and their sacrifices painted Rangoli on the streets of the nation. Through various movements and struggles, they have spoken out for the people’s plight. They have also made sacrifices in times of natural disasters, earthquakes, rescue operations, or risky tasks like COVID-19.

In human history, the greatest human being on earth, Prophet Muhammad established the peace organization named “Hilful-Fudul” with the youth when he was 25 years old. Even in the age of darkness, he has spread the message of peace among the youth by building alliances between different communities. That is, the organization humanizes people and unites everyone to build a beautiful society. Also the great work of Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, Florence Nightingale, and Begum Rokeya still inspires the todays young generation like him.

It is very easy to rise a question that, Why do young people get involved in social service even after the government is the most powerful and responsible institution in the society? Only because of the social responsibility towards the country which discussed previously examples from the history. So organizations make individuals together to provide opportunities for greater influence in society.

Reform is necessary to keep the youth’s journey uninterrupted in the progress of a smart Bangladesh. However, if progress is achieved without significant reformation, is it really harmful to the social works? In this context, we can consider “Isomorphic Mimicry” as a criterion.

The main idea behind this concept is that living beings are transformed in such a way as to appear aggressive in order to survive in the competition for survival. But initially, there is no aggression among them. Eg: There is a type of snake which has no poison. But they turn blue when attacked so that the opponent knows it is poisonous. This is how they save lives. There are countless beneficiaries who have adapted to this change and have integrated themselves in a beneficial way. Social status or fame is now easily possible due to the welfare of modernity. Although acquiring reformation is difficult. Social activities are hindering in various ways.

This is the time now to ask ourselves that how much we have been able to take care of Bangladesh? An invisible hand is engaged in deviating ideals. Recently it was reported that a child from Rangpur will be given an award by US President Joe Biden. Even in view of this false news, the Deputy Commissioner of Rangpur gave him a reception. Although she did not know that the news was false. Social responsibility is being commercialized. Social media is being chosen as a medium of campaign to attract the attention of the youth. Youngsters are getting confused by various attractive offers.

The concern is whether the moral degradation of future generations is caused by these activities? Many effective organizations has been working for a long time without taking any financial benefits. But so called new organizations is making money by offering awards for certain application fee. Foreign organizations are also doing the same through summits or various programs where all the registrants get an award. Organizers attract public attention by offering full free or partial scholarships. While applying in a full free scholarship, applicant have to pay nonrefundable fee during apply as per their policy! The concern is whether the youth are being influenced through barriers and whether the influencers are expanding in a contagious manner?

Today liberal social programs are under the control of invisible hands whose conditions are flourishing and sustaining. Much like the Humpty Dumpty poem. But that will break if it wears off the dumpy wall. In the news headlines, youths are inspired by various achievements including winning international awards, admission to MIT, jobs at Google so on.

But if these Humpty Dumpties’ are not refined in, the brightest stars will be devalued. Not only are that but youths themselves spreading themselves as marketing agents. When will young people be aware of the idea of MLM to protect themselves? If these Humpty Dumpty’s persist, our children will also be involved in the same task when they grow up. Capability trap is the root of all problems. Young people believe that the more they are associated with organizations, get recognition, awards, or certificates they will have priority in jobs.

In this way, the youth are unknowingly transforming themselves into an incompetent human resource, risking moral decay. Keep investing in the Future but not any financial Award not to be ideal ethics for a Better Tomorrow.

The first thing to do is to make the youth aware of themselves and make a commitment not to support or participate in any policy that violates ethics. In addition, it is expected to close down illegal commercial organizations, start emergency hotlines to obtain information on inconsistencies, and take steps to ensure cleanliness by conducting financial audits.

The importance of unbiased expression will only be realized when they become conscious. Because everyone evaluates the opinion of young people positively.

The writer is a The Diana Award Recipient President, Youth Parliament

Published on National Daily ” The Country Today” Link:

Categories: Feature


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